01 October

Student Support Service

A student support system has been implemented in the school.

Every class in the school has a class counselor who helps students to achieve the national goals of general education and to develop personal, language, mental and physical abilities. A class advisor teaches at least one subject to the class at a time.

During the first period after enrolling in the school, special attention is paid to the student's adaptation to the learning environment, the school psychologist, as well as the class counselor, are involved in the process.

The school has implemented a student counseling system to improve academic achievement.

In addition, students will have the opportunity to show initiative, plan and implement projects according to their interests. The school takes care to encourage such initiatives.

Students are provided with the services of a qualified nurse and psychologist.

It should be noted that by offering a variety of clubs, the school aims to give students the opportunity to discover and develop their potential, be it digital, artistic, sports or other.

The school supports students in passing international exams, provides their preparation and finances the costs of participation in the exams.