The Mission of Secondary Education 

  • Construction of systematic knowledge through comprehensive teaching.
  • Development of intelligent, creative, well-informed individuals who can make independent decisions, take responsibility for themselves and create material, intellectual and spiritual values by using their own achievements.

Key Tasks of Secondary Education 

  • Provide students with conditions for gaining education which will meet modern requirements.
  • Help students make well-planned choices (for the purposes to pursue studies and/or engage in labor activities in the future).
  • Provide students with quality general education.

All classes at school have student counselors assisting 9th, 11th and 12th graders in choosing professions and planning their future careers.

Additional Education Services: 12th-grade students are provided with the opportunity to attend the following courses without paying extra tuition fees:

  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) courses;

We aim to educate competitive graduates who will be able to pursue their studies in both Georgian educational institutions and those abroad. The School enables students to participate in exchange programs and offers them partial or full grants.